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S.B. 24 - Mayflower State Police Act


To fully establish the Mayflower State Police.

Be it enacted by the Senate and Assembly of the State of Mayflower in Congress assembled,


  • (a) An Act to properly define Mayflower State Police due to their previously inadequate definition in law.


  • (a) Protection duties shall be defined as: "the agents or officers assigned to a person of relative importance as designated by the Governor of Mayflower or other provisions granted in this bill”.
  • (b) Colonel shall be defined as: "the Colonel or Acting Colonel of the Mayflower State Police”.
  • (c) Jurisdiction shall be defined as: "the area where a law enforcement agency or department is limited to patrol or execute duties”.
  • (d) Justice Department shall be defined as: "the Mayflower Department of Justice”.
  • (e) A credible threat shall be defined as: "a threat targeted toward a single person or persons which has been decided likely to deal harm to those involved".


  • (a) In accordance with the Constitution, the Mayflower State Police shall be responsible for the protection of those in the gubernatorial line of succession.
  • (b) The Governor shall have authority, by and with the advice of the Colonel of the State Police, to grant temporary protection to other officials or citizens, provided that there is a credible threat against their well-being.
  • (c) Protection duties shall be done so primarily by those with the relevant extra certification, unless no such people are available.
  • (d) The State Police shall be responsible for determining the security of the State Capitol.
  • (e) The State Police shall be overseen by the Department of Public Safety.
  • (f) The Office of the Colonel shall be nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate.
  • (g) The Colonel shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.
  • (h) The Colonel shall only be removable through dismissal by the Governor or impeachment by the Senate.
  • (i) The State Police have jurisdiction over the entire State, and are not limited in where they may patrol.
  • (j) Primarily the State Police police the State’s highways, but also provide protection to key government buildings.
  • (k) The State Police do not need to venture into urban areas with independent law enforcement agencies, unless they are pursuing someone, are carrying out one of their tasks, have been requested to assist local units or there are not enough local units available to adequately.
  • (l) The State Police shall enjoy the power of operating its own investigating branch, which shall, at the discretion of the Justice Department, conduct investigations and other enquiries pertaining to criminal cases or any other relevant activities.


  • (a) Upon the signature, officiation, and pronunciation of this bill by the Governor of the State of Mayflower, it shall be in effect indefinitely until the bill is nullified or repealed by an Act of Congress.


  • (a) This Act may be nullified or repealed by an Act of Congress.

Last update: May 7, 2020